Frequently Asked Questions about Savings Bond Tracker
Using Savings Bond Tracker
- I purchased a copy, do I have to do anything else?
No, the embedded purchase engine automatically activates your serial
number, making the software unlocked and ready for use. You will
receive an email with your serial number; retain this if you ever need
to reinstall.
- I reinstalled my OS and my license is no longer valid, what do I do?
Download a fresh copy of the software and install it as instructed
by the accompanying Readme file. Launch the application and open
the Preferences... dialog. You will see a tab with a field in which
you can enter your serial number to reactivate.
- Does Savings Bond Tracker connect to the Internet?
Only when you update pricing data, in which case it only pulls new
data to your computer. The data pulled is the same for any user and
is not traceable to you personally. Further, Savings Bond Tracker
does not send your bond data from your computer.
The embedded purchase engine and product activation process require
network access as well.
- Can you (Spotted Snake Software) see my personal bond data?
No, your data is stored in a portfolio file on your disk. If you
don't make that file available to someone, they can't read it. Normal
precautions about protecting the security of your personal data still
apply, of course.
- I updated my pricing data and the bond values are all wrong! Help!
You must close all portfolios when using the price updater. After the
updates are installed, you must quit and restart the application. If
you do not restart, your pricing data will be inaccurately reported.
- I bought a bond three (or one, or eleven) months ago and no earnings are shown. Why?
The US Treasury Department does not publish pricing data for bonds
that are not marketable. Bonds that are still in the mandatory
holding period (currently 12 months) are not marketable and so there
is no redemption value because they cannot be redeemed. Once the
redemption lock is up, their redemption values will be shown,
including the interest accrued during the holding period.
- Some of my bonds are paper, some electronic. How do I handle the different pricing?
Use the Paper? checkbox shown in each bond's row to indicate
whether a bond is (not) paper. Electronic bonds are issued at face
value, unlike paper bonds. If you typically buy bonds in one form or
the other, you can make that form the default in the
Preferences... dialog.
- I see an error message when I try to run the price updater. Help!
You must install Savings Bond Tracker to your hard drive. You
cannot update pricing data if you try to run it from the downloaded
DMG disk image because that image, like all DMG images you download,
is read-only. A read-only disk gives Savings Bond Tracker nowhere to
write its updated pricing data. The fix is to follow the instructions
in the Readme file: copy the application to your Applications/ folder
on your hard drive and always launch it from there. We recommend
ejecting the downloaded DMG disk image as soon as you are finished
installing the software so that there is no risk of confusion.